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"Don't ask for permission, ask for forgiveness."

It started with my dad and his group. He had a soul group in his time called, "The Night Train Review". I grew up off oldies, I loved them and still do. I wasn't allowed to listen to rap, but my older sister would have the radio or whatever on, and I could hear just a few seconds of it.


Then, on the bus a kid from school put his headphones over my ears and that's when, to simply put it...the best sounds I'd ever experienced. HIP-HOP. 


Inspiration definitely comes from my parents. Watching them work and grow with each other is what set a foundation of work ethic. 


My music has a funky vibe with coded vernacular. My sound has definitely been influenced by the Bay Area. Being around my father and his friends; they taught me how to walk, talk, and eat. 


I want to make timeless music and eat the fat of the world.

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